
贴在 2023年7月27日星期四 | IAB英国

We answer key questions about the Online Advertising Programme (养老金) - including what the Government’s response means for our industry and what IAB members should do next


The Online Advertising Programme (养老金) was launched by the Government to review the regulatory framework of paid-for online advertising to assess whether it is fit-for-purpose and sufficiently robust to tackle potential consumer harms. 正如政府所说, 养老金旨在“让我们的监管机构有能力应对网络领域的挑战”。. 


2022年3月 政府就退休津贴计划展开谘询 在2022年6月8日星期三关闭之前,它运行了13周. 这是在2020年呼吁提供证据之后做出的.

咨询邀请业界和其他感兴趣的利益相关者提供反馈, 政府就完善和加强现行规管架构的建议. 它为在线广告行业制定了各种监管方案, 从维持现状(i.e. 自我监管)转向完全法定的模式. IAB英国咨询了成员并提交了详细的咨询答复, 强调了自我监管模式的优势,并认为养老金的下一阶段应侧重于高风险领域, 比如非法活动, 这种自我监管不是用来解决的. Our response called for the Government to work closely with industry in the next phase to design effective and targeted industry-led solutions, 以证据为导向的方法. 你可以阅读我们的完整回复 在这里


2023年7月,政府公布 其正式回应 在养老金的磋商中,概述了它计划采取的下一步措施. 

在回应中,政府肯定了广告标准局的有效工作。, 以及相关的行业倡议,包括 中介和平台原则试点(IPP)让合法的广告商承担责任. 除了对消费者的伤害, the review also looked at a wide range of B2B harms that are in scope of existing industry-led initiatives such as the IAB’s dsn彩乐园网址, 政府认为没有必要干预这些地区.

然而, the Government remains concerned about a perceived lack of transparency and accountability across the online advertising supply chain and is not satisfied that regulators have sufficient existing powers to address illegal harms.

为了解决这个问题, 政府已证实计划推行, 通过主要立法, a “new and targeted regulatory framework for online advertising” focused on tackling illegal advertising (as defined under existing criminal provisions) and increasing the protection of under-18s from ads they should not be encountering online. 这个框架, 包括新的法定要求, 会否吸纳业界意见及谘询业界意见. 特别是, 政府表示将与监管机构和行业合作, 特别是平台, 中介人及出版商, 设计一种适当的方法来确定范围内各方的责任. 


新规定将适用于平台, 中介人及出版商, 在谘询回应中称为“pip计划”. Advertisers will not be directly in scope of the new rules but will be required to align with any new measures that affect them indirectly. 


虽然我们还不清楚细节, 政府概述了计划实施的新规定:

  1. 非法广告 -平台的法定责任, publishers and intermediaries to put in place  ‘proportionate systems and processes to prevent users from encountering illegal content by means of the service’. This new duty will build on the fraudulent advertising provisions in the Online Safety Bill and the existing requirements of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
  2. 保护儿童上网 -平台的法定责任, publishers and intermediaries to put in place proportionate systems and processes to prevent under-18s seeing adverts for products and services that cannot legally be sold to them.

Government envisages that these new statutory duties will form part of a package of legislative reforms  that will “empower regulators with the right 工具” to address illegal advertising and protect children. It intends to work with industry to develop this regulatory package and has stated that its legislative proposals will be subject to a public consultation process “in due course”. 

考虑到下次大选前议会的时间有限, 目前还不清楚政府何时会出台新的立法. 它说,这将“尽快”实现

议会时间允许, following a further consultation on the proposals’  - this consultation should give more information about likely timelines for next steps..


是的. 除了上面提到的协商之外, 政府已经成立了一个在线广告工作组,由广告部长约翰·惠廷代尔担任主席, 探讨非立法行动如何解决网络广告带来的非法危害,并加强对儿童的保护. 它的方法是“找出证据差距”, 探索和潜在地加强现有的行业主导的举措, 同时考虑行业主导的方法是否有助于解决这些计划尚未涵盖的任何差距。”. IAB英国 is sitting on this taskforce to represent the online advertising industry and this is the vehicle through which the Government will be looking for the industry to get involved and deliver change. 我们将在未来几个月与会员进一步沟通. 


The Government has said it understands “the importance of working with the existing landscape” and is clear that any new non-legislative or legislative measures should ‘ build on and complement relevant existing legislation and non-statutory initiatives’ and not undermine them. 任何新的立法都不会影响美国广告标准局对在线合法付费广告的内容和位置的监管.

潜在的变化来自两个方面, 重点关注涉及非法行为者的非法广告领域. 首先, the new Online Advertising Taskforce is intended to create an opportunity for the industry “to demonstrate its ability to successfully tackle online advertising harms through collaboration and innovation” by building upon and expanding those initiatives and technological solutions proven to be effective. 其次, 根据立法建议, 新规定将对平台提出额外要求, 中介人及出版商 to tackle illegal activity and bolster existing self-regulatory advertising protections for children and young people. We’ll know more about the proposed scope and nature of what is envisaged as part of these statutory duties when the Government publishes its consultation on new legislation later this year.


No, the Government has been clear that regulatory changes proposed through the 养老金 will not impact or change the HFSS online ad ban that will 将于2025年10月生效


整体, 我们认为政府的反应是积极和富有成效的, 考虑到比例的重要性, 数字优先的方法,反映了生态系统的多样性,并针对具体问题. 我们也很高兴能参与工作组,并希望这将是一次富有成效的合作. 然而, we are concerned that the Government is at the same time pursuing a legislative response before other regulatory approaches have been fully explored, not least because it acknowledges that more work is needed to develop the evidence base to understand the scale and impact of illegal harms. 

我们下一阶段养老金计划的政策重点有两点:第一 ,我们希望确保任何立法建议在性质上都是相称和合理的, scale and scope; secondly, it’s crucial that industry efforts to secure the ecosystem against bad actors are supported by renewed efforts from Government to enforce existing laws against those behind illegal activity. 你可以阅读我们的完整声明 在这里.


在线广告特别工作组的启动开启了养老金的下一阶段. Our message to IAB members and the wider industry is that now is the time to take action to show the Government how we can address the issues that have been raised via collaboration and innovation. IAB members’ input will be essential to producing effective solutions and we’ll be working with you over the coming months to ensure we step up to the challenge. 我们将继续向您通报dsn彩乐园网址进展. 如果您有任何问题,请与我们联系 (电子邮件保护) 









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